Senior/Adult Programs

Friends of the Poor hosts events and provides services throughout the year that are specifically aimed at low-income seniors and adults. They include:

  • Holiday Community Dinners – Friends of the poor hosts community dinners for adults and elderly who may not have anyone else with whom they can share a meal.  We serve approximately 3,500 meals at Thanksgiving, 1,100 meals at Christmas, and 1,000 St. Patrick’s Day Dinners. 

  • Senior Food Boxes – Friends of the Poor serves as a host agency for the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CFSP). Seniors who are at least 60 years old with a gross household income of $1,580 per month for a 1-person household and $2,137 per month for a 2-person household are eligible for CFSP, also known as the Senior Food Box Program.  Each monthly Senior Food Box contains items such as non-fat dry and shelf-stable fluid milk, juice, oats, ready-to-eat cereal, rice, pasta, dry beans, peanut butter, canned meat, poultry, or fish, and canned fruits and vegetables.  Friends of the Poor distributes Senior Food Boxes out of our Warehouse site to various households, and at Washington West Senior Apartments in Scranton.